While Covid-19 and the current coronavirus pandemic has sent the world into a tailspin, there are some interesting developments that are happening with health and wellness, including back pain.

For example, people are realizing how important ergonomics is when it comes to working from home, using a laptop, and maybe not being able to follow their usual office routine.

Did you see our post

on social media with some handy ergonomic tips? Find it at https://www.instagram.com/p/B_CqRK4BD63/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

While commuting may not be everyone’s favorite use of time, commuting did force people to at least move more than they are moving now in the sense that they are staying more still while being isolated at home.

Review our 21-movement range of motion routine

for an efficient injection of movement into your day – https://youtu.be/2Jkm8FfZ1Xc

Taking care of yourself during stressful times will help see you through.

During Covid-19, taking care of yourself while under more tension or different routines can help support a positive outcome.

Having less access to restaurant food, fast food, and options for going out has perhaps help some people spend more time thinking about what they eat and how they eat…but it’s also being reported that extra weight may be getting added on instead of being taken off!

Our blog often

mentions the Mediterranean diet, check it out at www.dkchiroblog.com

Many of us try to cram in sleep where we can in exchange for more time to get what we need and want done everyday. Currently, there is an opportunity for people to get more rest and even become restless not knowing what to do.

Check out our YouTube channel Self care during Covid-19 will help keep you healthy and well.[/caption]